The excitement of flight is always appealing to the young as well as the old. Tremendous advances in the area of drone technology has now made it a reality for anyone to operate a drone and even write custom code to control its flight.. In the age of the 4th industrial revolution, drones are one of the most vital technologies that integrate the concepts of physics, math, engineering, electronics, computer programming, and sensor technologies, making it possible to create a tremendous range of innovative solutions. The Advanced Drone Programming Course from bitWise Academy is an excellent way to get students who are serious about drones to go a bit deeper than the cursory drone courses. Extend your Python programming knowledge with our Advanced Drone Programming course using DJI Tello. This series of lessons will help you to create interesting programs while applying computer science concepts such as loops and custom variables to automated flight, and much more. You will learn how to write equations of a line and polygon using the Python programming language. Learning how to execute equations in Python allows a student to explore the possibilities of autonomous flight. Many of the lessons in this advanced course build on the concepts from our introductory Drone Programming course. That course is a prerequisite for students interested in pursuing this Advanced Drone Programming course. We also recommend that the student has a good knowledge of programming concepts in both Python and JavaScript.
